by Rylie Yeager ‘25
Since my initial arrival at Pace, I have heard time and time again about how welcoming and friendly the Honors College is, how close-knit and family-like it is. At last week’s Welcome Back Event, where members of the Honors College had the chance to reconvene after winter break, I was reminded again of that bond.
Stocked with candy and chocolate chip cookies and covered in brightly colored construction paper, the Honors lounge felt more spirited than ever. In one room, students played card games and Apples to Apples, while in another, students decorated paper hearts in anticipation of Valentine’s Day and name tags for the Honors College member wall. When they were not participating in the activities planned out by the diligent events team of the Advisory Board, students chatted happily with one another, catching up after five weeks apart, or posed in front of the decorations as a make-shift photo booth.
As I spoke with friends and determinedly colored my own name tag, I felt so content knowing that over the next four years, I will have the chance to become even closer to my peers in Honors. After over a month away from Pace and the city, I was nervous to return and get back into the groove of things, but the Welcome Back event helped remind me of how much support I have within the Honors College. I can’t wait to attend the amazing events that are planned for the coming months so that I can continue getting to know my fellow Honors College members!