Contributor Columns


    Yese Erazo-Tequianes – Contributor

    Running around NYC: A guide to the best running spots for Pace Students!

    This year I will be finding the most convenient and scenic running spots around New York City for Pace students! While sidewalks and the Brooklyn Bridge are certainly an option, they can be very crowded and, at times, intimidating. My column will be all about exploring the best spots to get active in the city while simultaneously finding that stress-relief outlet from the craziness of being a New York City college student.

  • Ava Glass – Contributor

    Nonchalance in the City: the Outside Perspective

    Are you from outside New York? The Tri-state area? Maybe even further…? Me too!
    The city is a dazzling, insane, and incomparable place; let’s dissect a cross-country move and figure out how to adjust to a brand-new life.

  • Jacob Goetke – Contributor

    Pforzheimer Fables

    An anthology short story column where anything can happen. Join me every other week and escape for a few minutes into someplace you’ve never been before.

  • Dakotah Hubbard

    To Read or Not to Read
    If you’re looking for a new book to read, you’ve come to the right place! In my column, I will be reviewing popular books and letting you know which are and aren’t worth your time. I will strive to review books of a variety of genres that cover a variety of topics to reach as many other readers as possible!

  • Aren Iverson – Contributor

    A Nature Girl’s Guide to NYC

    In the concrete jungle, it can be hard to connect with the environment. It’s easier to find high rises than grass, and this can be difficult for students—especially those that don’t come from cities—to feel at home. However, there’s more places than one might think to experience the outdoors as long as you’re willing to look for them. Follow along as I explore and review the best nature the city has to offer.

  • Brooke Vallier – Contributor

    City on a Budget

    I am going to be writing about different events/locations around the city that celebrate culture and are affordable for those who are on a budget. The first article is going to be about the Queens Night Market, where all items have a price cap of $5 or $6. Next semester, I will be going abroad in Rome, so I’m going to be continuing the columns about affordable places abroad.

  • Tiffany Ling – Contributor

    Read and Review with Tiffany

    I am going to be writing about different books that I read throughout the year; I love reading and it’s been a hobby of mine for a long time. There will be lots of variety, since I discover books through classes, my friends, and of course, Booktok. Join me as I read, review, and revel in the written word!

  • Oliver Schofield – Editor-In-Chief

    Welcome to Pace!
    Starting college can come with a lot of surprises. There are a lot of questions I didn’t even know to ask when I arrived at Pace in the fall of 2023. Questions like “how do I cook on campus?” and “what is Honors culture, exactly?” and “what is there to do in the city?” My column aims to explore all that and more as I unpack the things I wish I’d known when I first started.

  • Janet Gerges – Marketing and Outreach Editor

    Janet’s Reading Corner
    In this cozy little reading corner, Janet Gerges writes about all things books! Book recommendations, her tbr list, favorite bookstores, and so much more. Follow along if you are interested in reading and the best things for readers in NYC!

  • Jay Giffin – Contributor

    Oh hey… didn’t see you there.

    I’m Jay. [awkward silence] Do you like theatre? Oh, you don’t? Well, do you like movies? Oh, you don’t? Well, do you like oddly specific information on a variety of oddly specific topics? You do!? Well then, we’re gonna get along just fine.

  • Hannah Schultz – Contributor

    HANNAH. In my column, I write about all things acting and theater. (Beat.) Additionally, I have a special interest in devising, the creative process, and the science of performance.
    (The audience responds with intrigue and approval, HANNAH exits, confident they will read her posts, it is glorious.)