Hi Pace students! Just checking in… A lot has changed in a very, very short period, so let’s take a moment to check in with ourselves.
When it comes to politics, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to separate themselves from the turmoil of our world. It’s essential for us to be properly informed; however, we’re often left inundated by all of the news outlets. While I agree that as responsible voters, we must keep up to date as a responsible voter, finding a balance between being informed and overwhelmed is a fine line. Especially with the administration change and rising political polarization, politics are taking the forefront of every news source. However, after fulfilling your civic duty at the ballot box, it’s perfectly okay to take a step back and focus on other aspects of your life.
We as a society have become increasingly politically polarized, leading to a severe mental health crisis in our country. With record-high voter turnout, our country understands the severity of our modern election with record-high participation. Younger generations, in particular, are becoming more engaged and informed about policies and laws that shape our future. However, while political awareness is valuable, prioritizing mental health is just as important. Many people feel guilt when trying to disengage from the political sphere, but it’s necessary to take breaks to maintain your mental and physical well-being.
As we enter the midterm season for the Spring 2025 semester, it’s officially time to balance our academic ambitions, relationships, and mental health. Here are a few suggestions to help unwind in these stressful few weeks.
First and foremost on the list is physical exercise. Exercising is one of the best clinically-proven ways to unwind and manage your stress. A proper workout can help you to fix your sleep schedule, depression levels, and sleep deprivation, all of which play a major role in your mental health. Working out doesn’t need to be a daunting task either: going for a simple walk, participating in a yoga class, or doing a short body weight exercise can help. Removing the barrier to exercise is a part of the challenge many people face when trying to workout. Any extra movement can help you to relax and increase your overall health. Don’t be afraid to try something new and challenging!
Second, listen to music if you need some extra help to escape your academic stress. Listen to a new artist and expand your personal taste! There’s nothing comparable to music, so why not use this outlet to unwind? Listening to your favorite songs can boost your dopamine and clear your thoughts. Creating intentional time for yourself is so important to stay grounded, and music provides the perfect opportunity!
Third, it’s important to allow yourself to relax and unplug. Doing a phone detox for just a few hours allows you to relax without any distractions. You could use this opportunity to read a book or cook a new recipe you’ve been meaning to. When life becomes overwhelming it’s easy to scroll to avoid the feeling, but by taking a phone break you can unwind and take control of it.
Fourth on the list is exploring the city! The city is our campus; there is so much to discover outside of Pace’s four walls. The Brooklyn Bridge is a block away, the Metropolitan is free for students, and Central Park is a short few stops away! It’s important to travel safely no matter what: bringing a friend, keeping a headphone out, and walking with your eyes up can make your trip less dangerous and more enjoyable.
Last but not least is journaling. Taking a few minutes out of your day to get your thoughts down on paper can provide clarity and focus when you’re struggling to process difficult emotions. Incorporating journaling into your schedule can provide you with a meaningful start or end to your day. Writing down your goals significantly increases your likelihood of achieving them because the act of writing down your aspirations creates a tangible reminder to achieve them.
Taking a step back from politics doesn’t mean ignoring the world; it means protecting your well-being while staying informed in a way that feels healthy and sustainable. Remember, it’s okay to step away when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself is just as important as staying engaged.