How Should I Get Organized for the New Semester Anyway? 

As the first month of the new school year comes to an end, Pace students are getting back into their routines and habits that will set them up for success. For some, this this might be their first time experiencing a semester at Pace, and for returning students, its just a matter of getting back into the swing of things. Even though this will only be my third semester starting anew, I believe I have a few helpful tips that can help students be organized and successful in their classes as well as in their social life! 

Academic Tips 

1. Google Calendar 

One of the things I would not be able to survive without as a college student is Google Calendar. After having seen so many TikTok videos advertising the use of this application, I finally caved and gave it a try last year. As a college student taking 6 classes in addition to clubs and meetings I have to attend, keeping track of everywhere I had to be was challenging at best. I constantly had to check my emails for the location and time of where I was supposed to be, or go out of my way to check my schedule on the Pace Mobile app. With Google Calendar, I am able to see all the information in once place and I even input reminders 30 minutes before each event so that I never forget. The color-coded feature is also suitable for all the visual learners who prefer to see everything in a more organized and systematic way.   

2. Study with Friends

Although some of my assignments and classes get done quicker when I am alone, I find that getting the motivation to start the assignments is the hardest part. Getting a small group of friends together can help motivate each other and hold each other accountable to getting work done.  Around the Pace buildings, you can find plenty of study tables like on the 5th floor of One Pace Plaza, or the 4th floor library in 15 Beekman. You can even make a fun day out of it and go out to a coffee shop for fun drinks and desserts while you study! Last year, I wrote about some of my favorite café study spots around the city so if you’re looking for a spot you can check out my column! 

3. Take Notes

As much as it might be tempting to sit back and watch the lecture during class, actively taking notes can help you stay organized in the class! You can refer back to your notes when doing homework assignments or projects, use them to study for midterms and/or finals, or use them to refresh your memory before the next class. Speaking from experience, there have been times when professors have told us that taking notes is not necessary because there won’t be a midterm or final, so I wouldn’t feel the need to write down anything. I’ve learned, however, that even if notes aren’t necessitated, they’re extremely helpful for ensuring short-term and long-term memory retention. To keep myself more engaged and attentive, I like to use highlighters and different colored pens to make my notes more interesting. This, again, can help with all those visual learners who need a more hands-on experience as opposed to the alternative of just listening to a lecture.  

Social Life Tips 

1. Join an Extracurricular  

Staying on top of schoolwork is undoubtedly one of the most strenuous and important parts of being a college student. Speaking from personal experience, as a freshman last year I got caught up in focusing on schoolwork and trying to get the best GPA possible. I didn’t put any energy into going out or trying to meet new people outside of my suite in 15 Beekman. I realized halfway through my first semester that this needed to change so that I could make the most out of my college experience, so I joined a club! What worked best for me was attending the activities fair and getting to see all that Pace has to offer: art clubs, sororities, major-specific clubs, cultural clubs, acapella groups, etc. The options are truly endless at Pace! I’ve personally met some of my closest friends through clubs like Pace Debate Society, LASO, and Honors Advisory Board. These clubs even host travel opportunities I have gotten to take advantage of like going to Boston University, Brown University, and George Washington University. Joining these clubs helped me to branch out of my comfort zone aside from pure academics and get out there! 

2. Attend campus events 

Joining a club or extracurricular has its perks, but the time commitment can be intimidating. Students who are busy with classwork and jobs might not have the time or availability to join a club and regular attend meetings, so for those who don’t have the time but still want to meet new people, going to on-campus spontaneous events is the perfect fit. Student Engagement holds fun events that giveaway free food and prizes and are a great opportunity to meet new people of all majors and interests. Last year, they held an event where they gave away free Stanley drinking cups and students got to decorate their cups with other students who have similar interests! For the students in the Honors college at Pace University, there are always fun and engaging events like Paint n’ Sips, Potter Night, and Vision Board making events. I have personally met some of my closest friends at events like these! Getting to go to impromptu events like these can be beneficial to students who want to keep their organized schedules while still going out and meeting new people! 

Being a college student in New York City can be daunting and, at times, make staying organized a difficult task. With these helpful tips, you can apply them to their lives and be ready to ace this new school year! 

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