by Caitlin Pingree ’23
Midterms season is in full swing and campus is flooded with students looking for a quiet, nice place to study for exams. Pace has many places to study, but these spots sometimes fill quickly, especially during this time of year. With New York City at our disposal, there are so many places to get in a good study session. If you are looking for a change of scenery, try out these excellent places!
The Seaport McNally Jackson bookstore is only about a 10 minute walk from campus and is a great place to focus and get some work done. There is a café on the first floor where students could grab a bite and find a seat. There are also comfy couches and chairs on the second floor. McNally Jackson is one of my favorite places to go because it has such a great atmosphere for studying and the opportunity to peruse some books after I am done. The Seaport and any of McNally Jackson’s other branches make a perfect, relaxing place to study.
Something I think students do not realize they have access to is the New York City Public Library. The NYPL system is widespread on the island with several branches within walking distance of Pace. The New Amsterdam location is just on the other side of City Hall Park and is definitely a hidden gem of a study spot. There is always a quiet and calm environment and it offers several resources to students. While this location is great, the trip up to the main branch in Midtown is definitely worth it. The Rose Main Reading Room is a beautiful space filled with oak tables and walls lined with books. Anyone can go into the room to study or do research. It is an immersive experience being surrounded by other students and academics trying to do work. If you do visit a NYPL branch, be sure to get a library card. Not only will you have access to the libraries’ resources, you can gain entry to several NYC museums and experiences too.
Overall, these spots are great places to venture to if you want a change of space for your studying. These spots are perfect for midterms and will be great for finals season in the future!